
PVAB - PhotoVoltaic Automotive Body

Main Objective

Design, develop, and demonstrate a new architecture of photovoltaic modules for the automotive.


The PVAB (PhotoVoltaic Automotive Body) project aims at the design, development, and demonstration of a new architecture of photovoltaic modules for the automotive and its production process, seeking to anticipate the evolutionary trend of the automotive industry towards the use of photovoltaic solar panels on the vehicles, often known as VIPV (Vehicle Integrated PhotoVoltaics), as well as the opportunities that this evolution brings to the development of solutions that promote the integration and performance improvement of the panels.


Simoldes Plásticos; CEiiA; PSA ID; CSEM.

Project Code:


Date of beginning:

June 2020

Date of conclusion:

May 2023

Total Investment:

2.987.939,54 €

EU Financial Support:

1.984.660,18 €

CEiiA Support:

622.425,00 €