

Main Objective

The main objective of the Ghisallo Project is to develop a new urban commuting solution based on a new concept of a next generation electrical vehicle. This vehicle ensures a safe, comfortable, quick, healthy, esustainable, intelligent and multi-modal trip.


Mobility and environment quality are Europe-wide pressing concerns that lead to the search for alternatives to the self-owned automobile that satisfy the needs of urban commuting (i.e., the daily commute between home and work) and reduce traffic jams, pollution, and fossil fuel consumption.

In recent years, the popularity of the bicycle has increased due to its practical (low cost and easy to use) and beneficial (for health and the environment) effects. Despite this, there are several drawbacks that limit its wide use for commuting, such as the lack of trust/safety of less experienced users, and inconveniences in terms of comfort, ease of use and required effort.

The new solution will be based on the research and development of 4 main blocks, resulting in a full-scale prototype of a very light, stable, easy to fold and manoeuvre, 3-wheeled Vehicle (a tricycle). It will include a relevant set of peripherals that reinforce the principles of safety, confidence, comfort, and adaptability (Block I), assisted by a variable reluctance Electrical Motor of higher efficiency and regenerative capacity (Block II). An intuitive and mobile User Interface, acting as the electrical motor console, will also allow user-vehicle interaction and the control of all the advanced technological features of the vehicle (Block III), while a next-generation connectivity platform (in line with the “smart cities” and “smart velomobility” concepts) will allow for intelligent mobility (Block IV).


CEiiA; Sonae; VR Motors; MSG; UAveiro.

Project Code:


Date of beginning:


Date of conclusion:


Total Investment:

811.900,30 €

EU Financial Support:

530.927,70 €

CEiiA Support:

54.047,00 €